Well, I ve been toying with the idea of starting a blog for quite some time now, but didn’t do so for various reasons. I’m not planning to bore you people with all the reasons, but the fact of the matter is that here I am and here starts my ‘blog life’.

For starters let me discuss the thing that is at the very top of my head right now, IIM Indore. I’m among the lucky 120 odd people in India who’ve been chosen by the Admissions Committee of IIM Indore to walk the hallowed corridors of the institute. Wow, I m sure even the most poetic of you guys would ve found that sentence hard to digest.

But seriously folks, this admission has come as a major shot in the arm for a guy who’s seen so much complacence in his academic as well as professional life after his graduation. I ve always been accused of being an under-achiever in my life, be it at studies or sports in school, studies or extra curriculars in college or at work. So this admission gives me an opportunity to prove to all my detractors (as well as the people who ve always believed in me) that this time I ve finally realized what I am capable of doing and here I am taking my first step in finally living up to my potential.

I guess that s enough stuff for the first blog. And here is my humble thanksgiving for all you folks for being kind enough to visit this blog and read it. Please do come back for more tit bits about myself and my life for the next two years at Indore and whatever else that comes along my way.


One thought on “A CONFUSED BLOGGER

  1. Hey Jam!Good work…. nice start. I’ve linked you from mine.I think you need to do more polishing work.. I mean remove certain freeware comments, ‘powered by’ comment etc. But Hey! its a nice start. Keep blogging! Lets rock at I!

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